Here are links to resources that we hope are interesting, inspiring, and helpful.

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A STEMinist is…
…someone who supports the equality of all genders in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
- A repository of peer-reviewed research and resources discussing the challenges facing
women in science at Harvard: Women in STEM Resources - The Status of Women in Science and Engineering at MIT: Keynote by Nancy Hopkins
- Facebook’s COO, Sheryl Sandberg, gives a TED talk: Why we have too few women leaders
- Suggestions for how to improve regarding implicit bias, family-friendly policies: Tools for Change in STEM
- Video from Lean In, a movement initiated by Sheryl Sandberg in support of women: Creating a Level Playing Field
- Book about the professional advancement of women: Why So Slow?
- Book on work-family balance in relation to gender, and suggestions for improvement: Do Babies Matter?
- On family policy: The Pregnant Scholar
- Supporting women in open technology and culture: The Ada Initiative, On impostor syndrome
- UC Davis program for the advancement of women in STEM: ADVANCE
- Undergraduate Women in Mathematics organization at UC Berkeley: WIM
- Tips for Getting Girls Involved in STEM
Mathematics and Psychology
- What is Mathematics?
- How to avoid spreading ‘Math Anxiety’: Stop telling kids you’re bad at math
- Izabella Laba’s blog posts: Gender Bias 101 For Mathematicians, Gender Bias 102
- Paul Siegel’s blog post: Gender and the Mathematical Community
- Double Jeopardy? How Gender Bias Differs By Race
- Piper Harron’s unconventional PhD thesis: The Liberated Mathematician
- Being a Trans Mathematician: A Q&A with Autumn Kent
- Implicit bias test through American Association for University Women: AAUW test
- Stereotypes, gender bias, test anxiety and more: Difficult issues
- A female science professor on Why ‘Female’ Science Professor?
- Dusa McDuff on her experiences as a mathematician: Interviews
- Data on the status of women in the physical sciences: SWPS at Berkeley
- Knitting Moebius scarves and Klein bottles here, here and here
- An overview of different programming languages
Career Advice
- Annual IAS Program for Women and Mathematics
- Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Research Symposium
- SACNAS conference – Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science
- CAARMS – Conference for African-American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences
- Empowering Women of Color Conference at Berkeley
- Kay Kirkpatrick on giving talks: Presenting skills
- Sara Billey’s advice “Getting a PhD in Mathematics in a Timely Fashion”: Getting a PhD
- Advice for new PhDs from the American Mathematical Society (AMS): Career info
- Networking via the Association for Women in Mathematics: AWM Mentor Network
- Dan Margalit’s “Topology students resource” (but useful for any field): Resources
- Career advice in mathematics from Terence Tao: Career advice
- Scholarships and fellowships:
- Resources for undergraduates:
- Applying for grad school: useful information on recommendation letters
- MSRI Undergraduate Program – especially those from underrepresented groups
- 2017 IAS Program for Women and Mathematics
- The EDGE Program: Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education
- Math Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) through the NSF
- Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
- Master of Advanced Study in Mathematics at University of Cambridge
- Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship
- Guide to Computer Science and Engineering Resources for Women in STEM
- Supporting pathways to STEM fields: Institute for Broadening Participation
- Women in Mathematics in New England
- Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Math
- Northwestern Univ: Conference for women interested in math grad school
- Carleton College Summer Mathematics Program for Women
- George Washington Univ Summer Program for Women in Math
Math and Science Blogs
- On academic issues and her experiences as a woman in science: FemaleScienceProfessor
- Math blog co-written by PhD students Anna Seigal and Rachael Boyd: Picture this maths
- The AMS blog on math blogs: Math blogs
- Evelyn Lamb’s math blog for Scientific American: Roots of Unity
- Graduate student blog: By and for math grad students
- More AMS blogs
- Women in Astronomy: Blog
- The first female Fields Medalist: Maryam Mirzakhani
- Movie about the African-American women mathematicians behind NASA’s first mission into orbit: Hidden Figures
- Historic female mathematicians: Smithsonian
- What it means to run like a girl: #LikeAGirl, Stronger Together
- Double standards: ShineStrong
- If men were treated like women in the workplace: BuzzFeed
- Science fiction novels with strong female characters: Catherine Asaro, The Last Hawk
- Movie reviewer, including “Where Are the Women” analyses: FlickFilosopher
- An artist re-imagined dolls as iconic women: “Mighty Dolls”
- Female erasure in children’s toys and media: Heroine erased from T-shirt
- Navy aims for gender neutral job titles: NavyTimes