Here are photos fromĀ Nring events:
- NRing Fall Retreat
- Pinnacles National Park
- NRing Fall Retreat
- NRing Fall Retreat
- NRing Fall Retreat
- NRing Fall Retreat
- NRing and MSRI event Spring 2018
- Group photo at lunch after a talk by Prof. Candice Price (spring 2017)
- Garden Brunch Spring 2017
- Spring 2017: NRing has a Paint Day
- NRing member Maria Martinez, on right, guides the group in painting a picture of the night sky. Many thanks to Cal NERDS for the use of their beautiful space for this event.
- Group photo at the end of Paint Day.
- Joint event with undergrad WiM: Meena Boppana on Harvard’s Gender Inclusivity in Mathematics
- Garden party fall 2016
- Website launch party, fall 2015
- NRing event: author reading by Catherine Asaro
- In joint work with Professor Mary Ann Mason at UC Berkeley, Jessica Lee discusses their research on “Do Babies Matter? Gender & Family in the Ivory Tower.”
- Suggestions for improving family-friendliness in academia.
- Tools For Change in STEM